91 Days Wikia

Where the Footfalls Lead[]

Blood Will Have Blood[]

A Poor Player[]

Buona notte.
—Ganzo closing Ronald's eyes[source]

Black and Deep Desires[]

Right answer, Angelo.
—Ganzo to Angelo Lagusa[source]

Proof of Good Faith[]

All for Nothing[]

Back then, Vincent was colluding with the Galassias. Your father found that out, so he killed both him and your family.
—Ganzo to Angelo[source]

Unlike Nero, I do what I'm told.
—Ganzo to Strega[source]

Yeah. I must say, I envy you. You've got everything. And once we work things out with Galassia, it'll all be secured. I'm sure Testa Lagusa would understand.
—Ganzo to Vincent Vanetti[source]

Nero's the don, not Barbero.
—Ganzo to Tigre[source]

Wait! That wasn't--
—Ganzo's last words[source]
