The Island (アイランド, Airando) is a location in 91 Days. The Island is a sandbar within Lawless.
Before Prohibition, in 1917, the Island had no buildings and the passing bridge did not extend to it, but after Prohibition was passed, the bridge was extended and the church was built, but it was quickly converted into a speakeasy, catering to criminals and bootleggers of all sorts.
In 1928, Angelo and Corteo go to the Island to sell their booze to the speakeasy owner named Granchio, while Nero and Vanno are trying to sell Orco Family's stolen booze as well.
After Orco tries to take out Fango, he and 20 of his men flee over to the Island and hide there, until Nero and Angelo deliver Orco to him as a part of the deal that Angelo have conducted.
After Orco's death, the Island becomes a base of operations for the Fango Family and a part-time hideout for Nero during his ensuing feud with Frate, where he saw Volpe's corpse being hanged on the bridge's arch.
After Fango's death, the Vanetti Family reconsiders the Island as a primary sales route for the alcohol smuggling, that they continue rebuilding while expanding the Lodge, and that they work toward mass production[1].
After Don Galassia's death and ensuing mob war, the remnants of the Vanetti Family flee to the Island. Though a majority of the Family, including Tigre, is wiped out by Galassias under Strega's leadership, Nero manages to escape the Island and Lawless unscathed.
In the Epilogue, according to Cerotto, after the shootout, the church at the Island was quickly abandoned due to the damage made to the buildings and the Island itself was going to be reopened soon.
v - e - dLocations of 91 Days | |
Buildings | Avilio's Apartment | Cerotto's Bar | Church | Corteo's Apartment | Ganzo's House | Graveyard | Hotel Lawless | Island | Lacrima's Apartment | Lagusa Household | Lodge | Ottimo Orco | Playhouse | Schwab’s Pharmacy | Vanetti Household | Vanetti Mansion |
Towns | Chicago |Florida | Khota | Lawless |