91 Days Wikia
Vanno Clemente
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Kanji ヴァンノ・クレメンテ
Romaji Vanno Kuremente
Physical Description
Gender Male
Age 23 (Approximately)
Occupation Soldato or Caporegime[notes 1]
Affiliation Vanetti Family
Status Deceased
Friends Nero Vanetti
Debut Day 1
Japanese Mimi (Child)
Daisuke Ono (Adult)
English Colleen Clinkenbeard (Child)
Newton Pittman (Adult)
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Vanno Clemente is a character in 91 Days. He is Nero's childhood friend and one of Vanetti Family's most loyal subordinates.



Vanno is a young man of about 23. He is taller than most characters and has a larger build. He had long body hair on his arms and chest as well as smoothed-back black hair with two strands falling on his forehead. After being attacked by Serpente, he has a scar-sized scratch across his cheek, which causes him to wear a band-aid on his face.

He is shown in three outfits: his disguise, his formal attire, and his casual outfit. His disguise is the same as his casual outfit, but with a small, fake black mustache. He wears his formal attire during Fio and Ronald's wedding, which consists of a black tuxedo suit and bowtie. He wears a rose boutonnière over his heart on right lapel as well. His casual attire is a white suit, unbuttoned with a black elbow length shirt underneath and black shoes.

At age of 16, Vanno looked very similar to as he did as an adult. He wore a short, dark-blue coat, cap and a bandana over his face.

As a child of about 12[1], Vanno was shown to look very similar to as he did as young man. He wore his hair smoothed back except two strands in the front which fell on his forehead. He wore suspenders over a white shirt.

He wore a large gold necklace on his neck. He typically wore a body suit with the shirt undone. He had thick chest hair that poked out of his shirt.


Similarly to Nero, Vanno is headstrong and somewhat quick to anger. He is also proud of his Family and very defensive of his friends. He seems to be less conflicted about murder that Nero, being able to kill the Lagusa family even as a teenager. As an adult, he also suggests killing Lacrima out of convenience. He seems to enjoy watching people's reactions, such as Nero in the bar or Barbero when trying Corteo's alcohol. As shown in Day 2, he is a skilled cook and often eats when stressed. He dislikes alcohol but drinks when troubled, such as when he found out about Fio Vanetti's engagement. He is very religious when compared to other members of his Family, and often prays after killing or before eating, as well as crossing himself. He feels that true belief in God is the most important thing[2].


Little is known about Vanno's past. Since he was around twelve years old, he lived in Lawless. He was close friends with Nero Vanetti and the rest of the Vanetti family[3].

Growing up, Vanno and Nero often got into trouble with each other. Though Vanno tried to include the other Vanetti children, Fio was a girl and Frate was too scared of his father to join them. Even as children, Vanno seemed to have a crush on Fio and would blush when talking to her. Being more diligent, should would also refuse to come along with them. With Frate, he would also encourage him, but he would still chicken out. Even though they were unrelated, Vincent and Ganzo Alary would still punish him as if he were.


The Vanetti children and Vanno.

At around 10 years old, Vanno and Nero planned to skip mass to attend the circus. Though he tried to get Fio and Frate to attend, they wouldn't. Nero managed to steal money out of his father's desk. Using this money, they both attended it together[4]. They were quickly discovered afterwards and punished by Vince[5].

Afterwards, they were fixated on learning to juggle and would practice together. They showed Fio and Frate and they went wild, though they grew bored pretty quickly. According to Nero, Vanno was even better than him[6].

In April of 1921, he and Nero were taken to their first job. They were told that Testa Lagusa was filching money off the family and the two of them and Vincent Vanetti and Ganzo Alary went to the Lagusa household[7].


Vanno (left) on his first job

The four men park on the side of the road and wait for Testa to come home. After he comes inside, Vanno enters the house with Vincent Vanetti and Nero Vanetti. They have their faces covered. After Testa attacks Vince to protect his family, he is shot to death by Vanno. It isn't shown, but either he or Vince killed Elena and Luce. After this, he crosses himself and begin to look upstairs for the ledger with Vince as Nero searches downstairs. As Nero Vanetti was unable to kill, Angelo Lagusa managed to escape and go into hiding. The same night, the house is burnt to the ground and the Moreno Family was replaced by the Vanetti family[8].

At age 15, after Nero Vanetti took Barbero into the Family, the three became close friends. Barbero would make up schemes for them and, even though he discouraged it, they would still cause trouble and be punished by Ganzo and Vince.[9]

Night of the Murder

Inside the church, Granchio tries some alcohol. Vanno asks how it is and Granchio asks if it's brand-name. Vanno says that it is, it's the best from over the border, and that he'd never had better. Granchio says that he thought Vanno wasn't a drinker. Vanno smiles and says that you can tell good booze purely from smell. Granchio tells him to take a whiff if his own asshole, then. Granchio says that he thought the Orco family controlled all the routes over the border. Vanno smiles, embarrassed, and avoids his gaze. Granchio asks if they're flinching off the Orcos. Nero doesn't seem to be paying attention and instead looks ahead smoking. Vanno asks how he knew. Playing with his fake mustache, Granchio says that he had that look to him. Serpente can be seen sitting on the couch.

Angelo suddenly interrupts their conversation, addressing Granchio. Vanno and he both turn to look at Angelo and Corteo as Angelo puts his briefcase on the desk.

Outside, Fango approaches Tigre's car and greets him. Fango says that someone swiped a little of their booze. And he's out looking for it. Tigre says that he doesn't know anything and asks who he is and if he's with the Orco family. Tigre opens his door and spits tobacco on Fango's boot. He says he is and introduces himself as Fango. Gatto stands quietly behind. Fango again asks where he got it and Tigre says that he brought it in from "that way" as he points behind him. Fango looks unimpressed before laughing and saying that he's honest. He then steps to the side as Gatto begins punching Tigre with brass knuckles. Fango lights up a cigarette and begins smoking it as he takes off his boot. Still smiling, he rubs the boot on Tigre's face and asks him again.

Avilio says that he wants him to buy their booze. Granchio says to get lost because he doesn't want any of their "bathtub gin." Ignoring this, Avilio pours him a glass and slides it over to him. Instead of drinking it, he pours it on the ground. Corteo is surprised by this but Angelo looks unfazed. Granchio grabs Avilio's collar and calls him a brat. As he does this, Avilio pours him another glass. Granchio is about to punch him when Nero grabs his arm. Granchio steps to the side and Nero lights a match and sets the alcohol on fire. It maintains a blue flame and the three are taken back. Nero puts the flame out with his hand and then takes a sip. He seems to enjoy it and hands it to Granchio as he says that they'll buy it. After drinking it, Granchio says that they could probably stock it after all as he hands the glass to Vanno. Nero slams his fist on the counter and says that he already dumped it out. Vanno sniffs it a few times, then takes a sip. Granchio tells Nero not to get so mad. Vanno then makes a disgusted face and asks Granchio for a coffee. Granchio agrees and leaves with the glass.

Nero asks Avilio for how much a bottle, suggesting 3.5. Avilio holds his hand up, 5, and says that 3.5 is out of the question. Nero laughs and asks how much they can sell them per week. Before he can answer, a man at the front door yells and falls to the ground. A man beside him opens a latch at the bottom of the door and is about to shoot Fango's legs when Serpente appears behind him and puts a knife to the side of his neck, ordering to him to open the door. Vanno says that it seems the old man's getting the works. Granchio tells him to shut-up. The decide to wait and and watch.

The man steps back and Fango takes his gun. Serpente continues to hold a knife against his throat. Fango asks if he minds if he takes the gun. The man calls him a son of a bitch before Fango clocks him with it and the man falls to the ground. Fango apologizes for interrupting and says that he's looking for Nero Vanetti. Avilio quietly asks Nero who that is, and Nero says that he's Don Vanetti's son. Granchio says not to bring his arguments to the Island, that's the rule. Fango agrees that rules are important and says that that's why he's there. He found some booze stolen from then in their parking lot. Granchio says "good for you," so Fango shoots the ceiling and asks if he said something. Granchio says he hadn't so Fango again asks about Nero. He calls Corteo and tells him to come over. Corteo looks very uncomfortable and looks over nervously at Avilio as he walks over. Avilio seems to take something from behind him.

Corteo walks over with his hands up and Fango asks if he's Nero. Corteo says that he isn't, so Fango asks loudly if there are any other Neros there. No one answers so he says that it must be him. Nero looks over to see Avilio rummage through a box behind him and pull out a pocket knife. Fango points his gun at Corteo and says that thieves deserve to die as he cocks his gun. Avilio calmly says that he's Nero. Fango asks who Corteo is then, and Avilio says he doesn't know. Fango says he should speak up sooner as he pushes Corteo towards Serpente. Vanno smiles and looks over to Nero who's watching intently. Fango tells the "New Nero" to come over then. Avilio walks over with his hands behind his head. When he stands in front of Fango, he pushes up Avilio's hat with his gun. Avilio suddenly grabs his gun and shoves it to the side as he pushes a knife into Fango's throat. Fango's impressed and Avilio tells him to let Corteo go. Fango tells Serpente to slit Corteo's throat because he doesn't think Avilio can kill him. Serpente inches the knife closer as Corteo's neck as he tries to push his hand away. Avilio slowly pushes the knife into Fango's throat and blood begins to trickle out. Fango urges him to do it. Suddenly, Nero throws a bottle at Serpente and they all manage to break apart, with Avilio and Corteo managing to jump behind the counter. Fango runs over and pick up his gun.

Fango shoots wildly around the room. Luckily, the counter is iron-plated. As this is happening, Granchio manages to escape. Vanno tries to stand up and is almost shot. Crouching, he tells Nero that if Nero spots him, he's dead. Corteo brews something and tells Avilio to throw alcohol at him. He does, and Fango begins shooting the bottles out of the air. Vanno says that Fango is playing around. Nero says that he must be the crazy guy that joined Orco. Vanno says that Orco's gotten serious. Corteo tells them to throw something and then run for the exit. They listen and after the bottle is thrown, it ignites and fire erupts around Fango. As they run outside, with Avilio holding he briefcase, they don't stop until they make it to where Tigre is parked. Nero notices that Tigre is slumped over in his seat with a handkerchief tied in front of his mouth. He yells his name and runs over and opens the door. He tells Tigre to wake up, but Gatto is secretly hidden in the backseat. He tries to stab Nero from the back, but Nero dodges this and grabs Gatto's arm. Vanno winds up and punches Gatto in the face.

The four men drive along the road, with Nero driving, Vanno in the passenger seat, Avilio behind Nero and Corteo to the right of him. Nero notes that it was something and Vanno says that it was pretty fun, though. Corteo thanks Avilio for before. Avilio asks if the candles were made out of paraffin. Corteo says that if you liquefy paraffin, then mix it with water, it'll blow. Smiling, Vanno smokes a cigarette and says that they can't go back there for a while. He passes his cigarette to Nero and he says the the booze was good after taking a drag and that it'll make them lots of money. Across the river, the drive past the Playhouse. Vanno points it out and starts to pull off his face mustache as he says that he can't wait to show it to the don when it's finished. Nero says that it looks out of place in Lawless. Avilio asks if Nero was there. Nero says that he was as he pulls off his beard and smooths back his hair. Avilio is taken back. He turns around and says that he is Nero Vanetti.

Phantom of Falsehood

Driving along the bumpy road, the car rocks back and forth as Vanno checks the time (9:33pm). Vanno tells Tronco, who's driving, that it's about time for the cops to make their rounds. Tronco asks why they don't just grease their palms a little. Vanno says that Scusa isn't satisfied with "a little." Arturo asks who Scusa is, and Vanno says that he's the new Federal Bureau of Prohibition head. Vanno says that he heard Scusa took a small fortune from the Orco family. Arturo suddenly turns sharply, knocking Vanno to the side of the car. Vanno grabs Arturo's shoulder, knocking out his cigarette, and tells him to watch his driving. He says that he through Arturo had been driving taxis up until then. Seeming annoyed, Arturo says that all the booze in the back is throwing them off. Vanno sits back down and says that it's at least putting more money in his pockets. At that, Arturo smiles and says that he's going to buy a Phantom once he saves enough. Vanno smiles too and says that after 100 more booze runs, he'll buy one for him. Arturo is overjoyed at this and says that he'll hold him to it. Smiling and looking ahead, Vanno says that that is assuming they're both alive.


Serpente attacks Vanno

Suddenly, Vanno spots a car in the distance. He says that it's them and tells him to hurry. Arturo nods and takes a sharp turn right. They both jump out of the car and begin throwing branches on the car. As the car rounds the corner, Vanno yells to hide. Vanno runs behind a tree. Two men exit the car are shine their flashlights. Vanno sees this and pulls the gun out of his pocket. He hears the car drive off and turns to see it as well. Smiling, he puts his gun back in his coat and stands up. He says that they're gone and calls Tronco. Tronco doesn't answer, but hears a branch break behind him. He turns to find a man that he mistakes for Tronco. He says that they should go back. The man pulls out a bloody knife and swipes it at Vanno; swiping his cheek. Vanno leans back on a tree and Serpente tries to slash him again. Vanno dodges this and falls on the ground. Serpente is about to stab him again but Vanno grabs a thick branch and Serpente stabs his knife into it. Vanno pushes him back with this and runs. Serpente throws the thick branch off his knife and looks around. Vanno runs towards the car. He crawls underneath it, panting. Another car pulls up, illuminating the Vanetti car. Vanno sees Arturo's body; his throat slashed and eyes wide. Vanno is infuriated. Three men walk up. Serpente says that there is still one man as he wipes his bloody knife on Arturo's coat. This infuriates him even more. One of the men walk over to the Vanetti's car. He looks around, nervous, and spots three men shining their flashlight at the car. One of the men start the car as the other car drives away with the supplies.

At the Vanetti Mansion, a band plays and people dance. In their wedding attire, people surround Fio and Ronald to congratulate them. Vanno downs a glass of alcohol. Vanno tells Nero that it's war against the Orcos now. Nero pats his cheek, smiling. This angers Vanno as he bats his hand away. Still smiling, Nero says that he must have clung to the underside of the truck to escape and that it was smart thinking of him.

Avilio, holding a suitcase and Corteo walks slightly behind him, looking uncomfortable. Nero, smiling, says that he's late. Nero opens his case to show five bottles of Lawless Heaven. Nero whistles and says that his dad will love it. Nero sticks a cigar in his mouth and starts to pull out his wallet. Avilio smiles and says that it's a gift. Cortwo is taken back by this. Avilio looks to the side and says that he realizes that it hardly compares to a car, wrapped as a gift. Nero says that it's a Phantom from the Galassias. Vanno seems annoyed by this. Nero takes a sips from a jar and says that it's good stuff. Nero gestures over to the table and says that the groom is the nephew of Don Galassia; the guy who controls Chicago. The three look at him unhappily. Vanno says that the Vanettis own Lawless and they don't need the Galassias' help. Avilio says that's funny, as he heard they lost some turf downtown to the Orco family. Vanno yells that he'd better watch his mouth. Avilio doesn't react to this but it surprised when someone calls out to Nero.

Barbero says that his father is calling him. Nero smiles and says sure. He introduces him as the brains of his operation. He introduces him to Avilio and Corteo. Barbero smiles and shakes their hands. Nero tells them to have fun before walking away. Corteo quietly asks what he was thinking, they came because they needed money. Avilio pulls out a cigarette and light it. Looking uncomfortable, he says that need to get out of there. Corteo says that it's a party and they should enjoy themselves. Corteo looks more put off by this.

In Vince's office, Vince asks how the Playhouse is coming along. Nero says that it's all going smoothly and should be done by the end of June. Del Toro stands silently behind Vince. Frate says to his brother that Don Galassia decided to come to the big opening. He says they have three months, then Vanneti, Orco, and Galassia will be in the same place. Though Frate is happy about this, Nero doesn't look at him as he says "So what?" Frate says that he knows the Orcos have been overstepping lately, but they have to do as the Galassias say, too, suddenly unhappy. Nero says that they do as well. Vince takes a drag of his cigar before saying that he doesn't have much time left. Frate says that that's why Fio is marrying Galassia's nephew. He says that Ronald's a good and trustworthy guy. He starts to say that there's nothing to worry about, before Nero cuts him off, saying that that killed another one of theirs. Frate looks away before smiling and saying that it's because they stole Orco's booze. This infuriates Nero and he says that the route was theirs until three months ago. He says that a family that can't protect their own turf has no future.

After taking another drag, Vince asks if he'd like a cigar. Vince says that when one smokes, they inhale time. He says that they must act carefully and if they go too fast, they'll trip. Frate seems annoyed by this and Nero says that God helps those who help themselves before walking out.

While staring at Ronald and Fio, Vanno stuffs a cupcake in his mouth. As Ronald pulls Fio toward himself, Vanno curses at Ronald to Barbero. He says that if he makes Fio cry, he'll beat the crap out of him. Barbero says that he seems to be in a foul mood. Ronald notices them and smiles and beginds walking over to them. Smiling, Barbero says that it seems "Master Ronald" is paying them a call. Vanno scoffs and looks away while Barbero rises and congradulates him. Ronald ignores him and walks past him to Vanno. He pours himself a glass from an adjasent table. He says that he's now officially a member of they family and asks where Nero is. Barbero saus that the don requested his presence. Ronald looks annoyed and asks that he won't even attend his own daughter's wedding. Then smiling, he says that too much caution just becomes cowardice. Infuriated, Vanno stands and seems to be about to attack him. Barbero quickly stands between them and says that they're keeping it withing the family, but he's staying indoors on his doctor's recommendation. Ronald says that he'll fix their little Orco problem for them. Vanno tries to charge at Ronald, but Barbero holds him back. The three then notice that Avilio is standing there as he says that it's funny. Annoyed, Ronald puts his glass down and asks what is. Corteo stands behind him. Avilio finishes "Watching an ass strut around in a lion's skin." Ronald laughs slightly then suddenly throws a punch at him. Avilio quickly stands to the side, dodging him, and falls on top of Corteo's table. Ronald stands and is about to try and punch him again when Vanno pulls him back. Vanno twists his arm and Ronald asks who the hell he thinks he is before he twists harder. Barbero steps in and tells Vanno to stop immediately. Fio walks interupts, asking what's wrong. Vanno lets go and Ronald shoves Barbero before walking away. The two look ashamed as Fio scolds them before walking towards her husband. They sit back at their table and see Fio comfort her husband, he pulls her close by her back as they walk away. Vanno throws his hand up in annoyance before stuffing a cake in his mouth. Barbero says that teetotalers have it rough.

Avilio and Corteo walk up to their table and Avilio puts a jar on the table and asks what he thinks. Barbero adjust his glasses and asks if it is the liquor they mentioned. Barbero pulls himself a glass and Avilio watches him, smiling. Barbero chokes a bit and says that it's got quite a kick and asks where they make it. Still smiling, Avilio looks toward Corteo. Corteo, looking uncomfortable, he says in the kitchen of his apartment. Vanno laughs at Barbero's reaction and says that he hasn't seen that look on his face in ages. Barbero smiles and asks if they can talk in private. Corteo is shocked and looks at Angelo, he smiles and nods back. Barbero puts his hand on Corteo and they walk away together.

Smiling, Vanno says that Avilio has a way with words. Avilio smiles and Vanno says that he doesn't think they'd been introduces. Vanno extends his hand and introduces himself as Vanno Clemente. Avilio shakes his hand and introduces himself as Avilio Bruno. He says that he thinks they'll make a good team.

Later that day in the cellar, Vanno tells the group to enjoy their stew as he puts bowls in front of Barbero, Nero, Tigre, and himself. He calls it Maestro Vanno's special Lawless-style cioppino. Smiling, Nero rubs his hands together and says that it looks great. He's about to eat some before Vanno scolds him, beginning to pray. Nero sighs and bows his head as well. Vanno says grace and they begin eating. Tigre takes a spoonful in his mouth, but then recoils in pain and throwshis spoon on the table. Nero asks if it still hurts as Tigre rubs his cheek. Tigre grabs some chew and says that he won't be eating for a while. Smiling, Vanno pours Tigre's bowl into his own and says that Avilio's pretty interesting. Barbero smiles as well and says that Corteo also makes a mean brew. Nero smiles and says that maybe they won't have to press things with the Orcos. Suddenly concerned, Vanno asks if he asked his father about it. Nero doesn't answer, so he asks if they're taking Fango out. With says that they aren't. Vanno is taken back and demands to know why. Nero says that Galassia wants the Vanettis and the Orcos to make nice. Vanno slams his fist on the table and stands, asking how Tronco is supposed to rest in peace. He says that he'll do it himself if he has to. Barbero asks if he's drunk, even if he could beat the Orcos, the Galassias, but Vanno cuts him off and says that they won't know it they don't try. He says that they need funds first, so if they have the booze, but Nero cuts him off and smiles, saying that they'll kill him. They other three men are surprised. Nero says that they won't be the ones pulling the trigger.

In Corteo's apartment, Avilio says he'll do it. Corteo asks if he's serious and Avilio asks if he takes Fango out, he'll be able to join the family. Vanno says that it's a dangerous job and they recently killed one of their young guys. Avilio tells him to let him try. Vanno pulls out his gun and bullets, and slides it across the table to him. He tells him on Wednesday night, he'll be spending time at Lacrima's house. Avilio takes it and asks who she is. Vanno says that she's Fango's mistress and that her apartment is across from the Lawless Chronicle. Avilio asks what he should do about her. Vanno looks down and rubs the back of his head. He says that he can kill her as well. Vanno asks if he'd ever killed him before. Avilio says he hadn't, so Vanno says that he's getting a late start then. He looks up, and scratches his chin, starting to talk about his first kill. He trails off and stands up, saying he'll be in touch later. He pats Avilio's shoulder and then leaves.

After he leaves the room, Corteo says that teaming up with him is insane. Avilio agrees and says that the whole world's gone mad. Corteo looks horrified at him and then Avilio hands him the letter. Angelo says that they claim to be his dad's best friend and want to help him with my revenge. He light his cigarette and says that it's bizarre and explains that they claim to be his dad's best friend, and want to help him with his revenge and that He's been handed everything, even the names of the men who stole the people he loved. Corteo reads through it, horrified.

On Wednesday night, parked outside Lacrima's, Cerotto leafs happily through a stack of money in the backseat of a car. In the front seat, Vanno says that he'll get the other half after he succeeds. Cerotto agrees and slides it into his coat. Avilio hands Cerotto a bottle and tells him he'll be fine. Cerotto takes a swig and then hands it back. Avilio also takes a swig, but instead spits a mist on his coat sleeve as Cerotto stares in awe.

Serpente sits in a car close to the buildings attrentance. He notices Avilio stumbling towards the entrance and sitting on the steps. Angry, he gets out of his car and walks towards him. Serpente tells him that he stinks and asks how soused he is. He then kicks him and says that he can't sleep there. Avilio looks up, but his face is covered by a scarf and a toque, and says that his friend lives there. Serpente yells that he doesn't care and kicks Avilio onto the sidewalk; face down. Serpente kicks his again before Cerotto yells out to him. He runs over and, smiling, offers him some alcohol from his flask. He suggests that they go to the car, as they're too conspicuous there. Serpente kicks Avilio's stomache before fallowing him. As soon as Avilio sees them enter the car, he stands and enters the building.

Avilio goes upstairs and picks one of the lock on Lacrima's appartment. Inside, Fango can be heard asking someone to do it "harder" a few times. Avilio takes off his face scarf.

Outside, Vanno drives his car past the enterence and Serpente, how is laying back in his car, drinking from the flask.

Inside Lacrima's bedroom, Fango pants with slashes and blood across his back and his arms tided above his head. Smiling, he looks back and tells her to keep going. Lacrima smiles and begins whipping his back; calling him a pig. He begins panting and smiling. He turns around and looks in the mirror, only to see Avilio pointing a gun wrapped in his scarf. He quickly flips over as Avilio fires. Fango falls onto the ground and Lacrima is knocked back as she screams.

Smiling, Fango asks if his mother ever taught him to knock as he fishes something out of his pocket. Avilio approaches Lacrima with his gun drawn. She begs him not to kill her but he motions her to move over. Lacrima doesn't understand and Fango uses this as an oppertunity to quickly move a knife in front of her neck. Fango says that he likes it and that he's getting chills all over. He says it's getting fun and asks if he wants to join in and dares him to fire. Lacrima again begs him not to as Fango begins reaching behind him for his gun. Fango pushes his gun into her armpit and begins pushing it in and out slowly, in a sexual manner. Fango agai tells him to shoot one off already. Fango shoots, missing but injuring Lacrima slightly. He then pushes her onto the ground and begins shooting at him. Outside, Serpente hears the gunshots and sits up. Avilio shoots back, but misses as well. Fango returns fire and Avilio hides behind the wall. Fango manages to grab his clothes and runs out the window in only his pants. He jumps from the balcony in and barely manages to make it onto the adjacent roof, cutting his foot in the process. Avilio runs out behind him. He aims at him but Serpente suddenly barges in, stopping him. Serpente reconizes him but, before he can do anything, Vanno clocks him with his gunand Serpente colapsies on the bed. Avilio walks in and Vanno asks where Fango is. Avilio looks down to see Lacrima laying on the ground, crying, shaking, and bleeding from her armpit. Vanno asks if he got away and Avilio says that he had and apologizes. Vanno says that they knew he was a tough one and that it's not his fault.

Vanno looks down at Serpente and notices his knife; he realizes that he is the same man as before as the handle looks like a serpent. He tells Avilio that he's the one who killed Arturo Tronco. Avilio asks if it will make trouble; a Vanetti killing an Orco. Vanno says that they'll go to the graveyard in the old village. Suddenly, sirens can be heard in the distance and Avilio says he'll meet him there.

Vanno arrives in his car and takes Serpente from the car. Serpente's arms are tied behind his back and holds a gun to his head as they walk forward. Vanno prays and apologizes for his sins. They arrive at a grave and Vanno says that this is where they layed Arturo to rest. He tells Serpente that he was a good guy and he liked cars. As the sun rises, Vanno tells him to start praying as he undoes his gag. Serpente kneals on the ground and begs for his life as Vanno raises his gun, saying he doesn't want to die and promises not to kill anyone ever again and promises to cut ties with Orco and Fango. He asks if he would kill him in front of Tronco. Vanno asks if he isn't going to pray. Serpente begs him not to and yells that he doesn't want to die. Vanno coldly says that he sees before shooting Serpente to death. He falls to ground and Vanno asks God to have mercy on Serpente's soul as he crosses himself. Behind him, Avilio can be seen in the shadows of the trees.

It flashes back to when Avilio showed the letter to Corteo. Avilio tells him that, that night, the ones who killed his family were Vincent Vanetti, his son Nero and Vanno Clemente.


Avilio gets his revenge

As soon as Vanno turns around, Avilio shoots him before he can react and Vanno drops his gun as he begins bleeding from his stomach. He gapes in shock as he clutches his stomach and falls to the ground. Vanno asks who he is. He says that his name is Angelo and he's the son of a man he killed. The son of Testa Lagusa. Vanno gasps before Angelo shoots him again.

Back at the cellar, Nero suddenly punches Angelo in the face, knocking him back. Barbero steps between them and tells him to calm down, saying they should hear his side of the story first. Angelo wipes his mouth and says that Serpente stole Vanno's gun. He says that he shot Serpente, but it was too late. Barbero asks if his hands were tied. Avilio says that Serpente said he'd let Avilio pray, then he tied up Vanno. Nero tells him to take him to where it happened.

At the graveyard, Angelo walks in front of Barbero and Nero. He says that it's over there. As the scene comes into view, Angelo is shocked to find Vanno lying flat on the ground, but Serpente's body is nowhere to be found. Nero pushes his gun into Angelo's back, so he slowly looks over his shoulder.

Where the Footfalls Lead

Sleeping at his table, Corteo awakens to find Avilio standing above him, smoking. Coreto asks if he's okay and then gets up to make some coffee. Angelo asks if he was there the whole time. Coreto confirms this. Corteo asks if Fango is dead, and Angelo says that he botched it, with Fango at least. He explains the situation, how he killed Vanno after Vanno killed Serpente, and how they suspects now that he killed Vanno or is working with the Orco's. To clear suspicion of himself, he must bring Serpente's body to the Vanetti's. Coreto asks where his body is. Angelo smiles and teasingly asks that it wasn't him.

At Cerotto's Bar, Cerotto stands behind the counter, seemingly distracted as he wipes a glass. He suddenly drops it. As he goes to pick it up, Corteo appears on the other side of the counter. This surprises Cerotto and he says that he's busy. Cerotto again begins to pick up the glass shards with his fingers as Corteo asks where he was the night before. He nervously answers that he was drinking with a friend all night. Corteo asks if he was near Fango's apartment with Avilio Bruno and Vanno. Before he can answer he cuts his finger and it begins to bleed. He says that he was but that he didn't do anything as he sticks his finger in his mouth. Corteo says that Avilio is looking for him because Nero ordered him to kill him.

This shocks Cerotto and he asks why he would do that. Corteo explains that Vanno was killed. Corteo asks if Cerotto was behind it. Cerotto adeptly denies this and says that they've got the wrong guy. He finally curses and walks over to a bottle of alcohol and pours himself a glass, spilling some on the counter. He then gups it down before saying that he can't stay there. He walks over to the cash register and grabs cash out of it, saying that he has to flee. Cerotto says that he hadn't told Avilio about that bar and asks what really happened because he might be able to help. Cerotto says that he didn't kill him.

At Ottimo Orco, Don Orco and his men sit around a table. A chef, a waiter, and his men nervously watch as Don Orco tries his lasagna. The don puts his fork down and beckons for the chef to come closer. As the chef bends down, the don takes his hat and spits his food into it. His men look around uncomfortably. The don says that there isn't enough butter. The chef frantically explains that last time he said there was too much butter. The don explains that Lasagna is about harmony, not math. The chef drops to his knees, and begs him to give him another chance. Orco says that he didn't feed them lasagna, but pig slop. He asks his men if anyone liked it. None of them speak up so Orco calls over his men and tells the chef to give his regards to the pigs. As the chef is dragged away, Fango approaches the table, telling them to have a look.

Fango puts his bare foot on the table, and don Orco remarks that he got some bug bites. Smiling, Fango says that someone tried to run a hit on him the night before. He says that he didn't know the person, but that it must have been Vanetti who arranged it. Still grinning, he suggests that they take them out. This angers Orco and he tells him to shut up as he tries to stab his foot with his fork. Fango, unfazed and still grinning, easily pulls his foot off the table in time. Orco asks if he has any proof, and Fango asks who else it could be, since he, Fango, has been taking huge chunks of their turf, after all. He grabs a fork and then sticks it into Corvo's lasagna. Then faces him as he continues to say that they've all just been stuffing their faces there like pigs. Corvo, offended, begins to stand up as Fango quickly puts his fork into Corvo's hand, drawing blood. He takes the fork off as he spits his lasagna onto the table, saying that it doesn't have enough butter.

Don Orco says that the Galassias want the Orcos to make nice with the Vanettis, and that he's not about to start a war over a few cuts on his feet. Fango yawns and says that he'll just do things his own way. As he stands up, he asks if any of them have seen Serpente. Corvo jokes that maybe one of the Vanettis seduced him away. Fango stabs him in the hand with a dork and begins to twist it. He begins to walk away as everyone stares in shock and Corvo pulls the fork out. Fango remarks that it's a nice feeding trough that he's got there.

Wrapping his hand, Corvo curses at him. Orco tells him not to bother, since he's bound to already have enemies.

Back at the bar, Cerotto tells Corteo that he went to Fango's apartment with Avilio and Vanno. But all he did was offer Serpente some booze. He knew things had gotten bad, but he couldn't help getting curious. He saw Vanno leaving the apartment with a body and put it into his car. So he hailed a taxi and followed him. There, he found Vanno and Serpente's bodies. Corteo asks if they took each other out. Cerotto says that he's pretty sure he was still alive when Vanno carries him out of the apartment. Corteo says that with Serpente's body gone, it looks like Cerotto killed Vanno and helped Serpente escape.

Slamming his fist on the counter, Cerotto curses and says that he got greedy. Coreto asks what he means. As he turns around, Cerotto says that he has to tell him brother before suddenly gasping. At the door, someone is standing behind one of the curtains. Avilio walks through and points a gun at him. He begins to back up and falls to the ground when he meets the counter. He begs Avilio to wait and says that he didn't kill Vanno. Avilio calmly asks what happened to Serpente's body. Looking ashamed, Cerotto looks down and says that he sold it to Scusa. Avilio bends down, still pointing the gun at him, and tells him to take him to the body and that if it's not there, he'll kill him.

Outside of Cerotto's Bar, Serpente tells Tigre that if word of Serpente's body gets out, it's going to cause a lot of trouble. Tigre spits on the ground and says that he killed their Vanno. It's an eye for an eye. Serpente asks what Nero will do to Avilio if he doesn't find the body. Smoking, Nero says he doesn't know. Tigre says that they came out. Tigre says to himself for them to show them the way.

Ganzo is shocked that Vanno is dead. He, Vincent Vanetti, Ronald Galassia, and Frate Vanetti sit at a long table as Scusa says that as far as they can tell, they took each other out, but Vanno abducted and killed a member of the Orco family. Ronald calls him a meddling idiot. Frate asks where Serpente's body is and Scusa tells him not to worry, as he has it safely in custody. Infuriated, Ganzo stands and ask if he thinks he can blackmail the Vanettis. Scusa says that he understands his anger, but suggests that they discuss it calmly. Frate asks how much. Ganzo snaps at him to stay out of it, because they don't need "some kids" opinion. Ronald asks what choice they have. If it gets out, it'll start a fight with the Orcos, and the Galassia's won't stand for it. Ganzo is angered by this. Ronald turns to look at Frate, and they smiles at each other. Scusa asks if he'll buy it. Vince says that he prefers to keep things simple; that's why he dislikes that sort of haggling and tells him to remember that. Vince sighs, annoyed, and tells him to first bring the body there, then the'll talk. Scusa scoffs at this.

Fango asks if Serpente is dead or not, and suggest that they just asks them. Gatto asks if he means at the Vanetti Mansion. Fango asks if he has a better idea. Gatto says that Don Orco doesn't want Fango starting trouble. Fango says that Orco won't be around much longer. Suddenly, Fango spots Tigre, Barbero, and Nero driving by in front of them. Fango smiles and slams on the gas and pulls the wheel sharply, following them. Fango says that it's their lucky day as he yells "yahoo."

At some building, Cerotto says that it's set to be demolished soon. He says that it's the perfect place for Scusa's men to hide the stuff they've seized. Angelo picks the lock and he and Cerotto enters behind him. Cerotto says that the room behind is the room and suggests that they go get it out. Angelo hears someone walking down the hall and pulls out his gun, but instead finds that it's Nero.

Back at the Vanetti Mansion, Ganzo is shocked that Ronald suggested that they kill Nero. He says that they don't even know for sure that Nero killed Serpente, and they lost Vanno. Ronald laughs and asks how stupid one'd have to be to kidnap someone and then get themselves killed. Ganzo stands, inraged, but Vincent tells him to calm down, saying he'll ruin his brain, like he did. Del Toro stands quietly behind him. Ganzo says that nothing good's happened since he came around. Frate says that one of his brother's men was killed by Orco recently. He says that Vanno probably killed Serpente to get even, and he bets Nero knew about it. Ronald says that, either way, he's already made fools out of them. He says that he doesn't' think Don Galassia will forgive Nero for it. If they don't kill him, the Galassias will just get personally involved. Vince cuts him off and says that he sees what he's saying, but orders him to leave Nero to him. Ronald says that if he insists, go right ahead, but he's the one who'll have to wipe his kid's ass for him. Ganzo says that it's about time he outgrew diapers himself. Vince scolds him slightly for this. Before leaving, Ronald turns to Frate, but Frate is taken back and looks away. Ronald smiles before exiting. Gonzo calls Ronald a brat and Frate says that they'll let him escape. Frate says that the family tried to kill Nero like the Galassias wanted, but he was too sharp, and left town before they got to him.

Corteo sits outside in the passenger seat of the car. Barbero sits in another car. They both notice a red car driveby and Barbero gets out of the car. Tigre sits on the steps and notices a group of kids playing with a ball. He smiles and spits to the side, but actually spits on a boot. Fango remarks what a coincidence it is. He says that they have some more fun. Gatto punches him in the back of the head with medal cuffs on his hands and Tigre falls on the ground. Avilio sees this from the window. Fango gets on top of him and asks if he's with Nero. Tigre doesn't answer and instead spits just below Fango's eye. Fango smiles and says that he must want a reward as he wipes his face. Fango takes a drag and then takes it out of his mouth, slowly inching it towards Tigre's face. He tells him not to be modest and take it. Tigre curses him, and Fango says that it must get him hot as well. With the cigarette inches from his face, Tigre says that he's not like him. Suddenly they're interrupted by glass breaking. The three stop and look up.

In the room, the door knob slowly turns and then is kicked open. Fango pushes Tigre in front of him with a gun to his head. Gatto pulls out his gun as well as they both look around the corner. In the room, Nero holds a gun to a man who appears to be Serpente (but whose head is covered in a sack). Fango says that it's just sad that he got captured as he laughs. "Serpente" mumbles something but seems to be gagged. Fango asks if the man with the gun is Nero, and he confirms he is. Fango says that he'd been hoping to meet him. Fango suggests that they make a trade. Fango tells Gatto to go first. He drops his gun to the ground and slides over. Fango says that they're next. They'll put them down at the same time. They both crouch down and slide their guns on the ground. Fango then says that they'll both start them walking at the same time. Tigre and "Serpente" begin walking forward. Fango says that Avilio sure suprised him the day before. Nero says that he's a good guy. Fango notices something and says to wait. Fango says that Serpente seems to have lost a little weight and that his clothes have blood on them. He glares for a second, then smiles and says to keep walking as he seems to be scratching his crotch. Fango actually pulls a gun out and points it at "Serpente"'s head. Before he shoots, the man suddenly kicks the gun upwards and pulls out a knife, swiping it him. Fango laughs and jumps back. Fango manages to kick him against the wall and the man falls to the ground. He pulls the sack off his head, revealing it to be Angelo. Fango says that he thought he smelled something fishy about him. Cerotto comes out and throws a gun over to Nero. Nero tells them to run as he aims it. Before Gatto can shoot Angelo, he is shot in the shoulder and drops his gun. Tigre and Cerotto run out the window. Nero shoots at Fango, but he escapes out the door. Gatto hides behind a bookshelf and shoots at Angelo, but misses. Angelo manages to open the window and jump out onto the stairs. Nero and Gatto shoot at each other but they are both behind cover. Suddenly, Fango runs in and picks up a gun. He runs behind where Nero was hiding, only to find the window open and Nero gone.

Nero and Avilio walk through China town slowly. He thinks about the past. They look at Serpente's body and he asks Angelo if he's the one who killed Vanno. Angelo says that he is. On the street, Nero looks back and stares at Angelo. They both stop and look at each other before Nero goes forward and Angelo walks forward.

Back in the room, Fango finds Serpente's body dressed only in his underclothes. Gatto is distressed and curses as Fango turns to look at himself in the mirror. Fango smiles and calls Gatto an idiot, asking why he has a long face. He runs his tongue along the sharp side of his blade and says that they can declare war on the Vanettis now.

The car drives quickly along with Barbero driving, Nero in the passenger seat, Angelo behind Nero and Corteo behind Barbero. Barbero notes that someone is driving fast behind them. The car drives in front of them and Frate can be seen inside. They both park by the docks. Frate tells Nero that he has to leave the city as soon as possible and that if anyone sees him, it won't end well. Nero asks if there is a better way. Frate say that he won't die, and that should be enough. Barbero asks if he should accompany him and Frate answers that he has to stay because they can't run the moonshine business without him. Barbero says they still can't let him go alone. Nero tells him not to worry; he's just going for a quiet drive in the country. Angelo asks why not take him with him. He says that Fango seems to have committed his face to memory, he doesn't want to run into him again. Nero asks if he can drive and Angelo replies he can. Nero admonishes Nero, but he says that Angelo will work. Barbero asks if he'd decided on a place for the funeral. Frate answers the Riverside Cemetery. Angelo turns to light a cigarette, and Corteo is horrified to find the Angelo is smiling.

At the abandoned apartment, Scusa finds the window open and asks out loud what's going on. He finds that Serpente's body is missing and grumbles Cerotto's name.

On a rainy day, a group stand around a coffin, including Ganzo and Frate. Frate looks up and notices Nero and Angelo standing behind a tree in the distance. Nero tells Angelo to go back to the car without him. Angelo does so silently. After he does, Nero puts his hand against the tree and then begins crying against it. He falls on his knees. Angelo turns around and sees this, with a blank expression on his face.

Angelo and Nero drive along a dirt road, not saying anything.

A man in a black suit dials a number. When he reaches a bearded man, he says that there's two of them and to kill both of them. The man hangs up, not saying anything as he picks up his knifes as his hunting dog lies on the floor.

Losing to Win, and What Comes After

The episode opens with Vanno Clemente and Nero Vanetti sitting in a speakeasy. Cerotto is also behind the counter. Vanno is drunk and is upset with Nero about his younger sister, Fio. He wants to know why Nero didn't stop their marriage, and Nero says that it was her decision. Vanno says that she's marrying a guy that she doesn't even love just so she can protect her family as he takes another drink of his booze. Nero thinks that he's had enough, but Vanno tells him to shut up.

Vanno then asks about what Frate thinks about it, and Nero says that he doesn't know because they don't talk anymore. Vanno says that it should be that complicated and that they're brothers, so they should talk before he passes out. Nero remarks that Vanno doesn't even drink, and that it's more complicated than he thinks.

Back at their camp, Avilio tries to juggle but can't. Nero tells him to start with just one and to make sure not to raise his hands too high. He tells Avilio that Vanno was even better than him.

Back at the cart, the Mexican man is now riding the hourse and pulling the buggy alone with his dog. He looks at a picture of a young Nero and Frate.

Nero says that he was about 10 years old when a circus troupe in town. He says that he and Vanno really wanted to go, so they slipped out of Sunday mass and swiped some money from Vince's wallet. He found out right away and beat Nero up. He says that it was fun, though, having something like that come to a nothing town like theirs. He says that for a while they practiced together, just like Avilio was. It was all they thought about. They showed Fio and Frate and they went wild, though they grew board pretty quickly.

Nero asks if Avilio's an only child. Avilio lies and says yes. He says that he then went on the be a gangster. Nero says that it explains his little trick. Avilio says that his hands shook at first, but now they move before he even thinks about it. Avilio asks about his first job and Nero says that he went to lean on a guy who was filching money off the family when he was 14. He says that he thinks him name was "Lagusa" or something like that. He says there were four of them, including him. He says that it was lousy work. Avilio asks if he killed him, and Nero says that he made a move on them first. After that, there was no stopping it. He says that he shot at a kid who ran away, but he didn't get him. He says that ever since that day, he's just thrown himself into it. Avilio jokes that now he's just a penniless runaway. Nero laughs and agrees, saying he's a camper who does juggling on the side.

Blood Will Have Blood

The group stands over Tigre and Nero asks how he is. Volpe says that he's out cold. Nero apologizes to Tigre and says that he can't take him to a doctor now. Barbero says that he might last another day, at best. Angelo says that there's a way to save him. The four men turn to look at him and Nero asks how. Angelo walks outside and motions to The Island. Nero is confused, as does Barbero appear to be, and Angelo says that there are doctors there, and they're hostile to the Vanettis, who are chasing them. Nero is angered by this and grabs Angelo's collar. He tells him not to be ridiculous; Fango killed a bunch of their guys. He tightens his grip as he says Vanno as well. Now furious, Nero says that there's no way he's working with him. The button falls of Angelo's shirt before Barbero stops him and Nero tosses him back. Angelo gasps for air as he rubs his throat. Barbero says that Fango has no reason to take them in anyway. Barbero says he feels for Tigre, but their only hope is to find an opening and get to The Lodge.

Black and Deep Desires

Downstairs, Tigre downs a glass of Lawless Heaven and marvels at Nero becoming the don. Tigre says that he'll make a great don and Nero smiles happily at him. Avilio asks who the man beside his father was. Nero asks if he means Del Toro. Avilio says that he's never seen him speak. Nero says that he heard he got messed up in the European war. Since fighting there, he's served under Vince. Tigre asks if he was in prison. Nero says that he was on a job for the family. And he only got out the year before last. Avilio asks how long he was in for and Nero says that he isn't sure, but he thinks 5 years. Avilio says that he went to prison 7 years ago, he asks if Nero went on his first job with him. Nero says no, because he was supposed to, but got sent to prison before that. Tigre says he has to go to the bathroom and leaves. Now alone, Avilio thinks about what Corteo had said the night before about killing Nero. He stares at the knife sticking out of the ham on the table. He looks at Nero, who is drunk and looking at his lap. He seems to be slowly reaching for it, before Nero says that Ganzo thinks pretty highly of Avilio and that he really pushed for him to take Avilio there. Nero says that he was shocked, since Ganzo had always been an old-fashioned kinda guy and that he was sure he'd be the one to ague against it, but it was the opposite. With the knife no longer in the ham, Nero lights his cigar and sits back into his chair. Avilio says that he's glad the Nero was acknowledged by Vince. Avilio says he's drunk and that Nero should go on ahead as he walks out. Before he exits, though, Nero says "Seven years ago... That night, when Dad took me along on my first job... It wasn't just the kid who ran away. I couldn't shoot anyone. I was afraid to shoot. I felt like Dad held me in contempt for it. That's why, to get him to acknowledge me, I've thrown myself into my work, done a lot of killing. And then, even Frate... In the end, maybe nothing's really changed since then..." Avilio looks back slightly angry and says "But you could kill him now, right? That kid you failed to shoot seven years ago."

Proof of Good Faith

After Angelo confirms that Ganzo did send the letter, he comes inside the house. Angelo asks why he sent the letter to him. Ganzo says "Vincent kept worrying himself over Testa's son, the one who got away. He told me to track you down by any means necessary. Don't worry. You're dead, as far as he knows. To be honest, my hopes weren't high, but you did well. You made a few blunders along the way, but the way you killed Vanno had style." Angelo asks why he wants the Vanettis dead. Ganzo admits that he wanted the town of Lawless and everything that comes with it to himself. Ganzo asks if he killed Nero. Angelo says that he can kill Nero any time, but Vincent won't go down that easily. He says that to kill Vince, he needs Ganzo's help, since he needs Angelo as well. Angelo says that he wants Corteo and that once he's safe, he'd come back. Ganzo asks what happens if he refuses, and Angelo says that he entrusted the letter to a certain man, and that if he dies, it will be sent to Nero with his name on it. Ganzo gets up and opens a door. Corteo is sitting on the other side of it. Ganzo says that, for now, he should pick a familiar place to lay low.

Barbero looks back over as Angelo tells them that there's a letter in his jacket pocket from the man who called him to Lawless. Barbero reads that it's addressed to "Angelo Lagusa." Ge quickly reads it over and Tigre asks what it says. He reads that "The ones who killed your father, mother, and little brother, who now rest in peace in Lawless are Vincent Vanetti, his son, Nero, and Vanno Clemente and Ganzo Alary. Barbero angrily asks who sent it. He doesn't answer so Barbero demands to know who this "best friend" is supposed to be. Angelo ignores him so Barbero begins striking him. After a few blows, the two are both out of breath and Tigre says that he'll call Nero and Ganzo. Before he leaves, Barbero stops him and tells him not to tell Nero.

Barbero becomes frantic at this and says that Nero won't kill him. Ganzo tells him to calm down. Barbero kneels down and says that Vanno and Del Toro, and the deaths of so many others... they were all his fault. Ganzo shows no emotion at this until sighing in annoyance.

Nero pulls the letter from his coat pocket and asks who sent it. Angelo tells the truth and Nero says that he was "being deceived from all sides." Angelo then admits that he is the reason that Frate, Volpe, Del Toro, Barbero, and Vanno are all dead. Nero sadly looks down at the letter and notes that he's the only named person in it who's still alive. He asks why he wasn't killed as well. Angelo says that Vincent holed up in his mansion and wouldn't come out. So he would have to get close to his son first. Still looking down, Nero asks then why he would let him live when he seen him at the play house, as he had already gotten to his father. He says that it was because he wanted them to both feel the same pain that he did. "A pain worse than death." Angelo chuckles, causing Nero to look over at him. He says that it was "a shame Vincent died so soon."

Nero pulls out a gun and pushes it into Angelo's forehead, as he breathes heavily in anger. Though Angelo again has no real response to this, Cerotto is distressed and tells him not to shoot him where they are. Nero seems to be about to pull the trigger when Angelo tells him to "do it." He instead clocks him, and he passes out. Nero says that he'll save it for later.

At the Island, Tigre and a group of men are about to try and make an escape. Tigre is drinking and he hands it over to a man beside him. The man chokes on it. Tigre reassures him that he'll be fine, and the man smiles at him with tears in his eyes. Another man appears and says that the boats ready. The man run out into an open area and are ambushed. Tigre begins shooting and he tells the other men to go on ahead. They do and one of them is gunned down. Tigre is shot twice in the leg but continues to shoot at them. When his bullets run out, he is shot to death in a shower of bullets. None of the Vanetti men make it off the island. Afterwards, their bodies are all lined up in a row as Strega looks around smiling. He says that "the king's arms are long, Nero."

The two eventually set up a fire to camp out. Nero passes Angelo some alcohol and then asks why he didn't just leave the city. He says that he wanted to see his revenge play out. Nero takes the letter from his pocket and throws it into the fire. Nero asks if he was satisfied. Angelo says that he thought that by completing his revenge and making his family's killers pay, he would find a reason to live again. But he says that "there was nothing left." and that "It was all for nothing." This infuriates Nero and he grabs Angelo by the collar and pushes him against a tree. He demands to know what was the point of all their deaths as he punches him in the face. He sadly asks why he didn't just kill him too. and that he trusted him. Angelo screams back that he should have just killed him seven years ago as he ran away. For the first time showing his pain, Nero is shocked as Angelo begins to cry. A car drives by in the background.


Nero Vanetti[]

Nero Vanetti is Vanno's best friend. They knew each other since childhood and had their first job together. The two were very close and acted as if brothers. After Vanno is killed, Nero is heart-broken.

Fio Vanetti[]

Though they haven't been seen interacting very much, Vanno seems to care deeply, even romantically, for Fio. While talking to her older brother, he states that she doesn't love her husband and is simply marrying him to help set peace between the family. This seems to cause him to to especially hate Ronald Galassia.

Frate Vanetti[]

Similarly to the other Vanetti kids, Vanno views Frate as a part of his family. He didn't understand why he and Nero wouldn't be talking. Frate attends his funeral.



91 Days appearances
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13


  1. The lowest possible rank for a made man is soldato, the higher positions are occupied, leaving Vanno as either a soldato or caporegime of the Vanetti crime family.


v - e - dCharacters of 91 Days